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Info Lowongan Kerja Pt Sinar Mas Agro Resources And Technology

PT SMART Tbk is one of the largest, publicly-listed, integrated palm-based consumer companies in Indonesia which is committed to sustainable palm oil production.SMART listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1992. SMART is a subsidiary of Golden Agri-Resources Ltd ("GAR"), which is one of the largest palm-based companies in the world which is listed on the Singapore Exchange. SMART also manages all of GAR's oil palm plantations, which has a total planted area of 435,000 hectares (including small holders) in Indonesia, as at 30 September 2010.

Due to our fast expansion we are in needs of several professional who are outstanding and high motivated to fill the position of:

Kepala Unit Transport

Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kepulauan Riau

Merencanakan, memonitor, dan mengevaluasi seluruh atrik yg berkaitan dengan operasional transport

Pendidikan min D3/S1 Jurusan Teknik Mesin
Pengalaman min 6 tahun di bidang yg sama
Berpengalaman dalam menangani transport, terutama truk dan alat berat
Penempatan di seluruh area perkebunan, khususnya Kalimantan

Project Management Officer

Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta Raya)

Men-support dan memperlihatkan masukan mengenai analisis bisnis dan penyelesaian masalah
Negosiasi dan koordinasi dengan pihak internal maupun eksternal yg terkait
Memastikan project sanggup tercapai sesuai planning

Pendidikan minimal S1 Teknik Sipil/Mesin
Pengalaman 2 tahun di bidang yg sama
Menguasai bahasa inggris ekspresi maupun tulisan

Administration Accounting

Jakarta Raya

Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Finance - General/Cost Accounting or equivalent.
Full-Time position(s) available.

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